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Downtown Waste Management Toolkit: An Approachable Guide for the City of Ferndale

Downtown Waste Management Toolkit: An Approachable Guide for the City of Ferndale

Program: Catalyst Leadership Circle Fellowship
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Overflowing dumpsters in Ferndale MI

Throughout Michigan, many downtown areas utilize shared waste collection sites. While effective for servicing clustered establishments in confined areas, this collection system also presents unique challenges, such as increased contamination and difficulties in targeted education distribution. Downtown Ferndale employs communal waste collection areas but lacks user-friendly waste management tools, contributing to confusion and unnecessary contamination.

To address educational gaps in proper waste disposal, CLC Fellow Annie Dudley created an easy-to-understand waste management guide. This guide includes multimedia tools, printable posters, and step-by-step instructions on best managing waste in dense downtown areas. Her primary deliverable is the Downtown Waste Management Toolkit for Ferndale, featuring city-specific information. Additionally, she developed a Plug-and-Play Toolkit for cities across Michigan, allowing them to update and distribute relevant information as needed.

  • Location: Ferndale, MI
  • Project Team: Annie Dudley (Fellow, Michigan State University), Logan Applebee (Mentor, City of Ferndale), Alex Haddad (Technical Advisor, Graham Sustainability Institute)
  • Project Presentation (PDF)
  • Project Deliverables: