Program: Catalyst Leadership Circle Fellowship
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Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) buildup in the City of Lansing’s sewer system poses a public health threat to residents by causing raw sewage to back up into buildings and overflow onto streets, eventually getting into waterways. To ensure FOG is properly disposed of, the CLC fellow drafted an amended FOG ordinance and created outreach materials on FOG for food service establishments (FSEs) and residents. The primary deliverable, an amended Ordinance 1040 Sewers, includes language that reflects stricter enforcement of grease interceptor inspection and maintenance at the more than 440 FSEs in the City of Lansing. The ordinance and outreach materials are to be used as a baseline for other cities to then personalize based on their needs.
This packet includes the amended Ordinance 1040 Sewers Generally, a brief on the problems and costs associated with FOG, a brochure on the public health, environmental health, and financial implications of sanitary sewer overflows, and a chart of the diseases related to raw sewage exposure. This packet is meant to be sent to a City Council to get approval on an amended ordinance that reflects stricter grease interceptor inspection and maintenance requirements.