A Guide to Urban Forestry Master Planning
A Guide to Urban Forestry Master Planning
A Guide to Urban Forestry Master Planning
Program: Catalyst Leadership Circle Fellowship
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At an increasing rate, cities across the country are realizing the value that urban forestry brings to the health and well-being of residents and the local landscape. There is a growing need to manage public and private trees, and long-term planning is an effective tool to help reach desired outcomes and strengthen common understanding of municipal goals and priorities. Planning is the process of defining future actions to meet desired goals in a strategic and thoughtful manner. Canton Township is currently embarking on this effort and sought support on outlining the typical components of an urban forestry master plan. To that end, Catalyst Leadership Circle (CLC) Fellow Megan McLaughlin designed a workbook to support urban forestry planning efforts by documenting the steps and considerations needed to develop an effective, long-term forestry plan. This workbook is a fillable planning tool that provides best practice considerations and outlines data and information that typically funnels into a comprehensive plan.
- Location: Canton Township, MI
- Project Team: Megan McLaughlin (Fellow), University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability; David Norwood and Zachary Michels (Mentors), Canton Township; Joe Saluk (Technical Advisor), City of Grand Rapids
- Project Presentation (PDF)
- Project Deliverable: Planning for Urban Forestry: A guide for municipalities (Word Document)