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Monitoring Sustainability Culture in Brazilian Universities

Monitoring Sustainability Culture in Brazilian Universities

Program: UM-Brazil Sustainability Cooperation Grants
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USP São Carlos. Photo by Divulgação

USP São Carlos. Photo by Divulgação


Robert Marans -  U-M Institute for Social Research
Noah Webster - U-M Institute for Social Research
Tadeu Fabricio Malheiros - University of Sao Paulo-Sao Carlos

Project Summary

The purpose of this project was to extend the work of a previous collaborative project, "Monitoring Sustainability Culture in Brazilian Universities: A Comparative Study between U-M and USP-Sao Carlos." The overall goal of the collaboration was to launch a comprehensive baseline assessment of the culture of sustainability on the Sao Carlos campus of the University of Sao Paulo modeled on the Sustainability Cultural Indicators Program (SCIP) at the Univeristy of Michigan.

Working with Prof. Malherios and others in Brazil, this extension project invovled additional training in survey research techniques, questionnaire development, and construction of sustainability indicators.

The findings of both the initial and extension project introduced USP-SC faculty and students to the concept of sustainability culture, its importance, its measurement, and the value of rigorous research techniques involving surveys in conjunction with physical environmental measurement in campus buildings. The work also provided opportunities for collaboration among U-M and USP-SC students.

The Graham Sustainability Institute provided $32,000 of project funding in 2015.