Lewis E Wehmeyer and Elaine Prince Wehmeyer Professor of Fungal Taxonomy, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Director Academic Programs, Frontiers Master's Program, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Curator, Herbarium, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Literature, Science, & Arts » Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Literature, Science, & Arts
I research most aspects of basic fungal biology including genetics, ecology, and taxonomy. I am also the associate curator of fungi at the University of Michigan Herbarium. Current ongoing projects in our group include: characterization of fungal parasites associated with algae causing harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes, population genetics of the fungus causing amphibian declines in Brazil, and the effect of mitotic recombination and mutation on virulence phenotypes of diploid pathogens.
Keywords: Evolution of fungi, mating systems, genomics, and phylogenetics