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Thomas Johengen

Thomas Johengen

Thomas Johengen
Research Scientist Emeritus, Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research and Emeritus in Service, SEAS Michigan Sea Grant, School of Natural Resources and Environment
Environment and Sustainability

Thomas Johengen oversees the research activities of the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER), which is a NOAA Joint Institute program at the University of Michigan with the NOAA-Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory serving as the host lab. CILER's research activities are focused around five themes including: Climate and Large-Lake Dynamics, Coastal and Nearshore Processes, Lare-Lake Ecosystem Structure and Function, Remote Sensing, and Marine Environmental Engineering. Dr. Johengen's individual research interests focus on nutrient cycling and lower food-web dynamics in the Great Lakes. Current research projects include ecological impacts of non-indigenous species on nutrient cycling and water quality, control of non-indigenous species introductions associated with shipping activities, and influence of episodic events on biogeochemical coupling of sediment nutrient fluxes and microbial production in the Great Lakes.