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Jessica Fayne

Jessica Fayne

Remote Sensing Validation Fieldwork in Alberta, Canada
Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Research Fellow, Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Literature, Science, and the Art
Literature, Science, & Arts » Earth and Environmental Sciences

I am a hydrologist and remote sensing scientist; I study water availability dynamics as a result of local scale natural and anthropogenic land cover/land use change and global-scale climate change. To conduct these studies, new datasets and observations need to be made. From the algorithm development side, I use satellite and airborne remote sensing observations to extract estimates of diverse hydrological and hydrometerological parameters such as water surface extent, water elevations, over-water wind speeds, soil moisture and vegetation water.

I use remote sensing tools and datasets to study water features such as water quantity (elevations and volumes) and state (solid vs liquid phase, surface dynamics: roughness/turbulence). My research is extremely interdisciplinary, crossing fields of electrical engineering (radar science), civil engineering (hydrology), urban planning (land use), and geography (spatial analytics). I am interested in studying surface water from rivers and lakes as well as subsurface soil moisture and aquifers. By understanding the dynamics of water quantity and state, we can better understand current and historical hydrologic trends and improve resilience to ongoing climatic changes.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

My work contributes directly toward solving the United Nations SDGs listed below. Learn more.

2. Zero Hunger
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land