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Jeremy Bassis

Jeremy Bassis

Jeremy Bassis
Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, College of Engineering and Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Engineering » Climate & Space Sciences
Literature, Science, & Arts » Earth and Environmental Sciences

The broad theme of Jeremy Bassis' research is studying the often complicated array of dynamic processes that affect the evolution of ice sheets and glaciers and how they interact with and respond to past, present and future climate change. One of the ice sheet processes that his research targets is improving our understanding of the mechanics of icebergs - a process that accounts for up to two thirds of the mass discharged from the cryosphere to the ocean. Not only does this have important implications for century time-scale sea level rise, but because fractures can propagate very quickly, iceberg calving introduces a “fast” time-scale into the response of the ice sheets to climate change that is not accounted for in numerical models.