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Advanced LCA Methods & Tools

Advanced LCA Methods & Tools

This course is intended for students who have taken (or are enrolled in) Industrial Ecology and wish to expand their life cycle assessment (LCA) skills set. The course covers advanced LCA methods and key software tools used to conduct LCA studies including SimaPro and GaBi.  Examples of the skills that will be covered include advanced impact assessment methods, consequential vs. attributional LCA, allocation rules, and transportation fuel and vehicle technology modeling using the new program. The course will also cover tools for generating and characterizing results such as uncertainty analysis using RiskSim Monte Carlo simulation software and sensitivity/scenario analyses using Excel "What-If Analysis" tools. At the end of the semester a final project will allow students to demonstrate these advanced LCA methods/tools.

Environment and Sustainability
Course Number(s) UM Course ID Academic Level Credits Sustainability Category*
EAS 610 047000 Graduate 1.5 Sustainability-Inclusive

Academic Terms
