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Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis

Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis

Individual and focus group interviews are critical methods for research and practice in environmental and sustainability fields. Interviews reveal detailed information about how and why people think and behave in the ways that they do, and the broader context in which people make decisions. This information can help decision-makers develop policies and programs to harness people's motivations to engage in environmentally sustainable behavior, and help them overcome constraints. This course will train students in individual and focus group interviewing as research strategies and practical tools for gathering information. It will also introduce students to methods for analyzing qualitative data to ensure rigor, usefulness, and communicability of results. The course will consist of lectures, role plays, and peer feedback on interview project components, including research designs, interview guides, codebooks, analytical memos, and network and matrix displays of key findings.

Environment and Sustainability
Course Number(s) UM Course ID Academic Level Credits Sustainability Category*
EAS 559 048517 Graduate 3.0 Sustainability-Focused

Academic Terms
