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Scholars Leaders Snag Awards

Scholars Leaders Snag Awards

(Photos: Tischler, Strauser, and the Michigan Pep Band)

The Michigan Difference Student Leadership Program recognized several Graham Sustainability Scholars. Senior ScholarsAyako Tischler and Crede Strauserwere recognized for their sustainability leadership efforts, including serving as co-presidents of the Planet Blue Student Leaders program. Ayako and Crede trained a group of students (eco-reps) to promote sustainable behavior change and deepen understanding of sustainability perspectives and practices (systems thinking). They motivated students to support the Office of Campus Sustainability's efforts to compost in Residence Halls and conducted audits and education campaigns and accomplished quite a lot in 2019-2020.

Graham Junior Scholar, Olivia Thomas (Fine Arts Award), was recognized for multiple efforts, including the Michigan Marching Band andthe New England Literacy Program. Olivia plays in the Pep Band for Ice Hockey and Basketball games and also serves as a Twigs Dining Manager.

This is quite an achievement to receive one of the 38 awards among the 272 nominations from the 2020 M-LEAD Program. CongratulationsCrede,Ayako, and Olivia!

U-M Leadership Opportunities

Read more about the 2020 M-LEAD Award Program
A collective of leadership educators connect students to opportunities that empower them to create change on campus and in their community. This mission is rooted in a vision that all University of Michigan students will have access to leadership education and opportunities that empower and prepare them to create positive, sustainable change on their campus and in their community. M-LEAD is guided by three units: Center for Campus Involvement, Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning, and Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs. See: M-LEAD, Student Life

Graham Sustainability Scholars- As interdisciplinary sustainability leaders, Graham Scholars receive financial support for a local-global field-based experience and a dynamic team-based project with a client. Complementary to academic programs (Program in the Environment, the Program in Sustainable Engineering, and Business and Sustainability Concentration), Scholars develop multi-cultural engagement, project management, and other skills applicable to all career paths. See: Graham Undergraduate Scholars

Planet Blue Ambassadors - The Planet Blue Ambassador Program is coordinated by Kelly Jones and administered by the Graham Sustainability Institute in collaboration with the Office of Campus Sustainability, Student Life, and other units across campus. Planet Blue Student Leaders work on a variety of sustainability initiatives that contribute to the UM Sustainability Goals. See: Planet Blue Ambassadors