Frank Marsik's current research is focused on the study of the lower atmosphere and its impact on the transport, dispersion and deposition of trace gases and particulate matter. Dr. Marsik is particularly interested in the study of the interaction between meteorological parameters (e.g., solar radiation, temperature and wind) and plant physiological processes, and the resulting impact of these interactions on the air-surface exchange of trace gases associated with plants. To date, he has performed a number of field investigations related to the air-surface exchange of mercury and other trace gases over a northern hardwood forest, a northern wetland ecosystem, agricultural crops and soils, and within the Florida Everglades.
Frank Marsik
Frank Marsik
Frank Marsik
Associate Research Scientist, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, Lecturer IV in Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering and Faculty Director of First Year Student Engagement in Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering
Engineering » Climate & Space Sciences
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