Dr. Dvonch's research interests and experience broadly reside in the assessment, characterization, source identification, and risk communication of human exposures and inhalation health effects of air pollutants. For exposure assessment, his specific interests are in the laboratory development and 'real-world' field-evaluation and application of methodologies and techniques for improved exposure assessment to air pollutants. These primarily include the mass, number, as well as biological and chemical composition of ambient particles for exposure assessment at the community, micro-environmental, and personal level. His interests in the application of these methods include source identification and apportionment of the pollutants through the use of receptor models, with the ultimate goal of informing policy and decision-marking processes to improve human health through the reduction of these exposures. Dr. Dvonch has contributed to numerous community-based human population studies and animal model studies of exposure addressing synergies between quantitatively defined air pollution exposures and other variables in the causation of adverse health effects. His research has addressed differing risks of air pollution exposure and health impacts related to disparities in socio-economic status, disease (or pre- disease)-status, geographic location of residence, chemical and biological composition, and specific emission sources of pollutants. Several of these studies have identified adverse health outcomes in both vulnerable sub-populations as well as healthy people due to exposure to specific chemical components of air pollution, as well as specific emission sources of pollution.
J. Timothy Dvonch
J. Timothy Dvonch
J. Timothy Dvonch
Associate Chair, Department of Environmental Health Sciences and Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health
Public Health » Environmental Health Sciences
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