Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, School of Public Health and Research Professor, Internal Medicine, Medical School
Public Health
Health Behavior & Education
Dr. Zikmund-Fisher uses his interdisciplinary background in decision psychology and behavioral economics to study factors that affect individual decision making about a variety of health and medical issues, with a particular emphasis on health and environmental risk perceptions and the effects of poor numeracy (people's ability to interpret quantitative information) on health and medical decision making. His research in health communications focuses on making risk statistics and other types of quantitative health information meaningful and useful for decision making by patients and the public. For example, Dr. Zikmund-Fisher recently completed an AHRQ-funded project to develop and test novel ways of displaying laboratory test results in patient portals of electronic health record systems that will make these data more useful and meaningful to patients. His past projects include a National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)-funded Community Perceptions of Dioxins (CPOD) Study and the National Survey of Medical Decisions (the DECISIONS study) project. Dr. Zikmund-Fisher is an Associate Director of the UM Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM) and is a core faculty member the UM Health Informatics program. He also serves as an Associate Editor for the journal Medical Decision Making and Medical Decision Making: Policy and Practice.