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Veronica Berrocal

Veronica Berrocal

Photo of Veronica Berrocal
Visiting Associate Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health
Public Health » Biostatistics
Veronica Berrocal's research interests are in the development of statistical models for data collected over space and time, and more in general for data that exhibit complex dependence structure. In particular, one of her research focus is on developing spatial hierarchical models to combine disparate sources of data, each with a different spatial resolution (e.g. for air pollution data monitoring measurements and satellite data). Examples of such models include: spatial statistical models to calibrate and downscale (to a finer spatial resolution) the outputs of climate models, air quality models, and weather forecasting models. Dr. Berrocal is also interested in linking these new improved estimates/predictions to health outcomes, in an effort to uncover and estimate the effect of environmental exposure on health.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

My work contributes directly toward solving the United Nations SDGs listed below. Learn more.

6. Clean Water and Sanitation