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Renewable Energy Planning with the Michigan Association of Planning (MAP)

Renewable Energy Planning with the Michigan Association of Planning (MAP)

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The partnership between the Center for Empowering Communities (EPC) and the Michigan Association of Planning (MAP) has developed into a dynamic collaboration supporting renewable energy education for professional planners and students. Key initiatives include workshops through the Planners in Private Practice (PIPP) program, renewable energy site tours, and collaboration on major events like the Spring Institute, focused on energy topics in May 2025.

EPC regularly contributes as expert speakers at MAP’s conferences and events. Additionally, EPC and MAP are planning an energy-focused Student Michigan Association of Planning (SMAP) conference in February 2025, exposing planning students to opportunities to utilize their skills in helping shape an energy transition.

This ongoing partnership aims to deepen the knowledge and resources available to planners and students alike, supporting Michigan’s shift toward sustainable energy solutions through a combination of education and practical engagement.