Making the Case for Sustainable Home Construction (2022)
Making the Case for Sustainable Home Construction (2022)
Making the Case for Sustainable Home Construction (2022)
Program: Dow Sustainability Fellows Program
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In partnership with Habitat for Humanity, this Dow Fellows team developed five case studies highlighting sustainable home building strategies. A set of standardized questions were developed with two goals in mind: share a vision for decent and affordable housing for all and introduce sustainable stories across Habitat for Humanity affiliates. Local affiliates receive advocacy, training, development, and disaster service support from Habitat for Humanity and provided valuable insight into community and family needs related to housing. The Dow Fellows team conducted nine interviews where affiliates shared their sustainable building design strategies. Five main themes of sustainable home building were apparent in these interviews: alternative builds, entirely electric homes, community focus, solar energy, and data collection. The team provided Habitat for Humanity with recommendations and considerations for each alternative build based on interview data and conducted research. This process has led to improved communications among affiliates and inspired future sustainable building project recommendations.