Enabling Energy Efficiency in Rental Properties
Enabling Energy Efficiency in Rental Properties
Enabling Energy Efficiency in Rental Properties
Program: Dow Sustainability Fellows Program
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Rental Housing Inspection Permits by Permit Subtype, City of Ann Arbor, 2013.
(Dow Fellows Program 2013)
According to the City of Ann Arbor and CEC staff, Ann Arbor is poised and ready to launch a pilot project to address energy efficiency in the rental market. The City is currently in a moment of transition with the potential to access matching funds, dedicated staff, and significant economic development needs in the area. A push provided by initial funding is needed, however, to prioritize and initialize the launch of such a program. To address the barriers to investments in rental unit energy efficiency upgrades, we will mimic the relevant components of the Ann Arbor HEAL program by creating a financial incentive for rental property owners (one to ten units) to invest in their properties. The project focused on providing a dual-sided approach to remove the barrier to energy efficiency investments and an engagement strategy for both property owners and renters. The bulk of the pilot administration focused on engaging with landlords through the provision of access to a financial incentive to make the necessary investments in energy efficiency upgrades, while a parallel effort will educate renters about the benefits they receive when the landlords invest in energy efficiency.