Lesli Hoey's research and teaching interests focus on ways policy planning, implementation and evaluation strategies facilitate or limit the development of equitable, healthy and sustainable food systems. Some of her past projects include work on a multi-country study of efforts to mainstream nutrition into national policy agendas, research on nutrition policy implementation and evaluation, and the development of a food/nutrition program evaluation and planning method for integrating evidence-based and experiential knowledge. Her current research examines policy responses to and causes of changing food and agriculture environments in Bolivia, Kenya and Vietnam and equitable food access in Michigan. Hoey also has five years of experience in program evaluation which spans work with equity-oriented U.S. education programs and rural development, malnutrition and food security projects in the Mississippi Delta, Peru, Albania and Bolivia. She has a PhD and master's degree in city and regional planning from Cornell University and a B.A. from Earlham College.